Squeeks is back with hard new ‘Daily Duppy’ freestyle

todayJune 24, 2021 26


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Squeeks is back and raring to go with his fresh new Daily Duppy freestyle.

The highly anticipated freestyle is finally here are being heavily teased on social media and the offering is as quality and commendable as you would expect from the artist.

Flowing over a light and piano-heavy instrumental, Squeeks offers us raw, honest and introspective bars about his time spent incarcerated and the impact that it had on him.

Squeeks later changes gears and offers bars over a faster track and the switch up showcases his versatility and comfortability over a variety of different tempos.

The freestyle is an important release that allows Squeeks to showcase his unique flow and storytelling ability once again.

Take in Squeeks’ Daily Duppy freestyle above.

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